The Three-Faced Dreamscape

A triptych illustration with three women surrounded by various elements.

My third triptych – a triptych of triptychs! The grinning woman with her cobra earring and the star escaping from her mouth. The pale-skinned eye-creature with crimson hair, earth-tending hand, and celestial-blossom-reaching snail. The distraught lady and the mischievous snake.

Triptych panel 1: A grinning middle-aged, and green-skinned, woman with a red eye. The face is in profile facing the right, but the eye is looking straight at the viewer. She has a cobra snake as an earring, and a string with a star attached to it is coming out of her mouth. Leaves are floating in the background.
The Three-Faced Dreamscape Triptych, panel 1.
Triptych panel 2: A humanoid creature with pale skin and a large, purple, eye as a face is standing in the middle. The creature has long, red, hair and a heart with a flame above it is at the center of its chest. The creature is holding up its left hand (on the right side of the image), and in the hand there is a small version of the earth with a large flower growing from it. A big snail is sitting on the creature's head and the snail is stretching towards the left side of the image where there is a star with a flower growing out below it. Leaves are floating in the background.
The Three-Faced Dreamscape Triptych, panel 2.
Triptych panel 3: A distraught old lady with green skin and a red eye is seen in profile facing the left. While her face is in profile, the eye is seen as if the face was front-facing and the eye is looking at the viewer. A snake going through her ear and coming out of her mouth. The tounge of the snake is going through one of the woman's nostrils and coming out of the other. A star is placed in the space between the lady and the snake. Leaves are floating in the background.
The Three-Faced Dreamscape Triptych, panel 3.

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