Moelv Petroglyphs Part 1

I am drawing a series of possible interpretations of what the figures in the rock carvings at Moelv may represent.

I’m starting with the two figures at the top left, which I call figure 1 and figure 2 from side 1 of the Moelv rock.

Figure 1, the one most to the left, looks a bit like it could be a canine like a wolf or a dog with its long pointy snout and longer tail compared to the other figures. Most of the other figures at Moelv are clearly some form of deer, and it is also possible that this is supposed to represent a deer. Perhaps a young deer following behind its larger parent. Young deer usually have long and slender necks, something that this figure does not have.

Silhouette of figure 1, drawing of figure 1 as a wolf or dog, and drawing of figure 1 as a young deer.

Many of the deer figures at Moelv look like they might be moose, but figure 2 differs with a more narrowing form of snout. With its robust neck and tapered snout, the figure might represent a red deer stag. It is also possible that this figure represents a moose, like many of the other figures at Moelv probably do.

Silhouette of figure 2, drawing of figure 2 as a red deer (hjort), and drawing of figure 2 as a moose.

Seeing the drawings of figure 1 as either a canine or a young deer, I think the form of a canine seems to fit best within the silhouette of the rock carving. For figure 2 I think the representation as a red deer fits better than that of a moose. Maybe it represents a scene of a wolf or a dog chasing a red deer.

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