Tag: flowers

  • Bombini


    Tiny 5,3 x 8 cm drawing of a big bumblebee drinking from a flower. Already have a frame for the drawing, and will update when the drawing has been put in the frame.

  • Lotus

  • Turtle Star

    Turtle Star

    Colored pencil drawing of a turtle tasting the sweet decagram lotus with its algiz-shaped tongue.

  • Livets Glade Dager

    Livets Glade Dager

    Colored pencil drawing made for the annual group exhibition at Meråker Kunstforening. The topic for this year’s exhibition was “livets glade dager” (“the happy days of life”), and I drew Adam and Eve before the fall. The lovely framing was done by Tante Grønns Rammeverksted.

  • Vivus


    A5 pen and colored pencil drawing of rapture.

  • The Birds

    The Birds
  • The Fruit

    The Fruit
  • The Three-Faced Dreamscape

    The Three-Faced Dreamscape

    My third triptych – a triptych of triptychs! The grinning woman with her cobra earring and the star escaping from her mouth. The pale-skinned eye-creature with crimson hair, earth-tending hand, and celestial-blossom-reaching snail. The distraught lady and the mischievous snake.

  • The Maritime Dreamscape

    The Maritime Dreamscape

    Another triptych! This time with a segmented fish and other vaguely related and unrelated accessories.

  • The Aerial Dreamscape

    The Aerial Dreamscape

    Admiring the great triptych paintings by Hieronymus Bosch inspired me to make my own triptych artwork.