Tag: man

  • Livets Glade Dager

    Livets Glade Dager

    Colored pencil drawing made for the annual group exhibition at Meråker Kunstforening. The topic for this year’s exhibition was “livets glade dager” (“the happy days of life”), and I drew Adam and Eve before the fall. The lovely framing was done by Tante Grønns Rammeverksted.

  • Lavandula


    A man and a woman, each alone in the dark,not knowing the other, they dwelt apart,the trace of a scent, drew them out of the gloom,they first saw each other, where the lavender bloom. Smiling and laughing, no longer alone,their hearts intermingled, in love yet unknown,Amongst the purple flowers, safe and secure,Guided together by Lavandula’s…