Tag: halo

  • Vivus


    A5 pen and colored pencil drawing of rapture.

  • Three angels

    Three angels
  • The Sphinx

    The Sphinx

    *Update: This design is now available for prints and various other products in my RedBubble store. I was looking at the sphinxes painted by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Gustave Moreau, thinking the transition between human and feline didn’t look quite right. Which made me think it would probably work better if the Sphinx had the body…

  • Never Let Me Go

    Never Let Me Go
  • Angel & Devil

    Angel & Devil

    Made two drawings to decorate the new room I’m renting.

  • Square Sketches 1

    Square Sketches 1

    *Update: Bejabbers! is now available for prints and various other products in my RedBubble store. *Update: The Angel and the Grey is now available for prints and various other products in my RedBubble store.