Krafti Åt Den Høgste Skal Skyggja Yver Deg
Graphite pencil drawing of Mary, mother of Jesus. Made as a prize for the annual Meråker kunstforening raffle.
Evenhus Figure Interpretation 1
There is a curiously carved human-like figure among the petroglyphs at Evenhus: If it is supposed to be a human, it is lacking both arms and legs. Without the face it wouldn’t look very human at all. As it is rather rare for human petroglyph figures to be carved with ears and a face, I…
Owl Hole
Graphite pencil drawing of an owl in a hole.
Drawings of the forest 2
Part 1
Drawings of the forest
I started doing a series of graphite drawings inspired by plants and trees I see while walking in the forest in an area I moved to earlier this month. Part 2