Tag: animals

  • Herring

  • Big Tree

    Big Tree
  • Frogspawn


    Discovered some frogspawn (frog eggs) in a puddle, and some distance away I found a frog hiding in the water.

  • Square Sketches 1

    Square Sketches 1

    *Update: Bejabbers! is now available for prints and various other products in my RedBubble store. *Update: The Angel and the Grey is now available for prints and various other products in my RedBubble store.

  • Glasya-Labolas


    Finished up my version of the demon dog Glasya-Labolas (also known as Caacrinolaas, Caassimolar, Classyalabolas, Glassia-labolis, Glasya Labolas, Gaylos-Lobos). A mighty president of hell, author and captain of manslaughter and bloodshed, teller of all things past and to come, causer of love among friends and foes, inciter of homicides, and maker of invisible men.