
Kråkedal was a Norwegian adult animated TV-series in development 2012-2014. I worked together with creators Jørn Skar and Espen Birkedal. My main roles in the project were as Background and Storyboard artist.
The project first received funding for developing the TV-series concept, and then funding to develop the 20-minute short film Prest Erling set in the Kråkedal-universe to promote the project. After the short film we all went on to work on different projects, and Kråkedal was discontinued.

“Eldreheimen” – 1 of 7 scenes developet as teasers for Kråkedal.
“Prest Erling” -Teaser for the animated short film Prest Erling set in the Kråkedal-universe.

Blog posts with art made for Kråkedal

Letter from the King

Prest Erling – Newspaper

Prest Erling Backgrounds

Prest Erling storyboard samples

Kråkedal – Development art