Colored pencil drawing of a woman and a deer.
Livets Glade Dager
Colored pencil drawing made for the annual group exhibition at Meråker Kunstforening. The topic for this year’s exhibition was “livets glade dager” (“the happy days of life”), and I drew Adam and Eve before the fall. The lovely framing was done by Tante Grønns Rammeverksted.
The Burning Bush
A5 pen and colored pencil drawing of the burning bush in the shape of a menorah, or Ashera tree, with seven branches. There is a heptagram in the flames above the bush, and the spirals of smoke contain the seven names of God (YHWH, Adonai, El, Elohim, Shaddai, Tzevaot, Ehyeh).
A5 pen and colored pencil drawing of rapture.
A5 pen and colored pencil drawing of the head of John the Baptist. Saint John the Forerunner. Døperen Johannes.
The Birds
The Fruit
The Harpy Tree
Potnia Theron
Julia Beck -sur-Loing
A5 sketch of Julia Beck drawn for the guest book at hôtel Chevillon at the end of my residency. The rooms at the hotel are named after famous artists who used to live there, and I drew Julia Beck because my room was the Julia Beck room. Julia Beck (1853-1935) was a Swedish artist, famous…