Old Lady With Umbrella
Today I drew an old lady with an umbrella.
Illustrations for Omnipax
I Illustrated the Norwegian children’s book “Elgen Geir” written by Aleksander Kirkwood Brown and published by Omnipax Forlag. Some sample illustrations from inside the book:
Kråkedal – Development art
Development art for a Norwegian animated TV-series named Kråkedal in development by Knallbrevlaget.
I made some backgrounds and concepts for a version of Mio, min Mio (Mio, My Son) playing at Rogaland Theatre from the 22nd February until the 25th of May. I worked on the project together with my two colleagues in Knallbrevlaget Knallbrevlaget also made some early construction concepts for an elephant being made for a…
Fox Eyes
Grim Fandango
I made this illustration of Manny and Merche from the game “Grim Fandango” for a challenge over at CGHub with the theme “Fan Art”. Both the story and visuals in the game are inspired by film noir, and I tried to reflect that by making a sort of film noir poster for Grim Fandango movie.
Troll Dreams
I’ve started working on a illustrated collection of short stories based on my own dreams. The two images below are from a dream about trolls that I had.
Experimenting with a slightly different approach to painting. I started playing around with these abstract tree shapes in Photoshop and then locking the shape layer. I add a few different colors that I smudge around and it gives a nice texture that I like. Once I had the trees I started adding these other things…
Excelsior – Teaser Posters
We were asked to do a series of teaser posters for the Excelsior project at school, these are two of the ones I made:
Some of the illustrations I made for a illustration project about Dante’s Paradiso at school. Constance was forced to abandon her vows and marry Henry VI. “Silent and wakeful many a time was he was discovered by his nurse upon the ground,As if he would have said, ‘For this I came.’” “Your city, which was…