The Bird King’s second daughter.
Nebuna, The Bird King’s Third Daughter:
Pine Cone
A little sketch of a pine cone with blue col-erase pencil.
The Human Ostriches
Mr. and Ms. Ostrich have an argument.
7-8 minute poses from a life drawing session i attended today:
Some sketches from a new project I’m working on called Hortus. It’s a story about three vampires searching for the garden of Eden in a world inspired by Norse mythology.
Made for the cover of a brochure.
Letter from the King
Concept/texture for a very important letter in an animated short film set in the Kråkedal-universe.
Charcoal drawing of an ear cast
My first cast drawing done at the Toronto Academy of Realist Art! After my four Bargue copies of increasing complexity I’ve graduated on to drawing from real life. But I’ve also been demoted to draw more simple objects again. The first cast drawing students do at the Academy is always of a simple subject before…