Creatures Living Inside a Tree #4

The previous post on the film concept about creatures living inside a tree had concepts for some mushroom-creatures. I wanted to have some more environments, and generated concepts of the “heart of the tree” that the mushroom-creatures tries to attack.

AI generated concept art of the heart of the tree.
AI generated concept art of the heart of the tree.
AI generated concept art of the heart of the tree.
AI generated concept art of the heart of the tree.

With this post I have now explored concept art design for the main characters, good-guy-creatures, villain mushroom-creatures and the environment. A lot of the generated art has some unwanted artifacts or lack detail, but pre-production concept art generally isn’t all that detailed. It is supposed to generate a lot of ideas about the look and feel of the film before finalizing the designs and going into production. AI generated art is able to do this now, and the speed makes it much faster than humans at exploring design possibilities. I would say that it is great for the early concept art phase, but right now it is still lacking when it comes to finalizing designs. There are certain details it struggles with getting right and it works best when given vague instructions rather than specific instructions.

These images were created using Midjourney. My other posts about AI generated designs for this concept:

Creatures Living Inside a Tree #1
Creatures Living Inside a Tree #2
Creatures Living Inside a Tree #3

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