Fortidens Norge / Prehistoric Norway Supported by Kulturrådet

My project about rock art in Norway is now funded by Kulturrådet (Arts Council Norway). The name of the project is Fortidens Norge, or Prehistoric Norway in English. The funding will allow me to work at least one year with the project. This summer I will travel to many different locations with rock art in Norway to study and photograph the art. The next step will be to draw many iterations of possible interpretations of the symbols found in the rock art. I will be blogging about the project, do presentations/workshops about the work I’m doing, and hopefully I will also do interviews/podcasts with experts in the field of rock art. The planned result is a book publication and an exhibition about the work done in the project.

I am grateful for the support from Kulturrådet and looking forward to dedicating myself to the project full-time and travel around the country to study the rock art in real life.

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