Six months in Stockholm

Some photos from my time in Stockholm:

Photograph of Södermalm in Stockholm, Sweden.
Photograph of ship in Stockholm, Sweden.
Photograph of Gamle stan (old town) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Gate with a golden angel and decorative letters saying "Fürchte Gott - ehre den König" ("Fear God - honor the king").
Photograph of an alley in  Gamle stan (old town) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Photograph of Torpedoverkstaden (The Torpedo workshop) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Photo of the band The Luxe performing in Stockholm, Sweden.
Photograph Stockholm Zombie walk parade 2011
Shaky close-up photograph of a biting zombie at Stockholm Zombie walk parade 2011
Zombies trying to catch a photographer at Stockholm Zombie walk 2011
Portrait photograph of woman zombie at the Stockholm Zombie walk 2011
Photograph of light in an alley of Stockholm, Sweden.
Photograph of light in an alley of Stockholm, Sweden.
Close-up photograph of wax sculpture at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.

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