Paradox Interactive internship concepts 1

I was a concept art intern at games studio Paradox Interactive as part of my Master’s Thesis in Concept Art for Games and Animation. I just finished my internship with Paradox Interactive and I’ve been given permission to share some of the concept art I created during the internship.

I mainly worked on concepts for the Majesty franchise fantasy games. Below are some of my concepts for a digital board game set in the Majesty universe. One idea for the visual style of the game was to have it look like cardboard cutouts.

Three illustrations of a tree demonstrating how the objects would animate as the player changes the view in the game.
Illustrations demonstrating how objects could animate as the player changes the view in the game.
Majesty Ranger playing piece in cardboard cutout environment.
Another cardboard cutout environment. Placed on a table, as if the players are using a real tabletop game.
A blacksmith in the forest.
2D side scroller view.
Same environment as above, but with cardboard cutouts seen in a 3D angle.
Concept of a flat cardboard keep.
Same cardboard keep as above, but constructed in 3D.
Quick sketch of map with parts sticking out from the tabletop surface.
Style concept of a more painterly look for the textures.

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