Møllerstufossen Petroglyphs

I visited and photographed the petroglyphs at Møllerstufossen by the river Etna in Dokka.

Edited Sentinel-2 satellite image of Møllerstufossen in Dokka.
Edited Sentinel-2 satellite image of the Møllerstufossen area
Photograph of petroglyphs at Møllerstufossen (helleristningene ved Møllerstufossen).
Photograph of petroglyphs at Møllerstufossen (helleristningene ved Møllerstufossen).
Photograph of petroglyphs at Møllerstufossen (helleristningene ved Møllerstufossen).

Red paint is no longer applied to the petroglyphs at Møllerstufossen, as it can damage the petroglyphs. This can make some of them difficult to see.

Photograph of petroglyphs at Møllerstufossen (helleristningene ved Møllerstufossen).

I’ll later use the images from the trip to draw different interpretations of the petroglyphs.

Photograph of then Etna river next to the petroglyphs at Møllerstufossen (helleristningene ved Møllerstufossen).
The Etna river waterfall, Møllerstufossen.